10 Solar Hopes For 2019 by Paula Mints Ten things to hope for in 2019, and their odds of coming true. 1) Accelerated focus on climate change: It’s not enough to talk climate change, or promise action – action must be taken and though it will take lifestyle changes now, and will have an economic impact now, the cost of attempting to survive climate change is higher. Make no mistake, it’s survival, not reversal. Odds: Low – when the bill for change comes due even true believers will balk, when a change in behavior is required, most find this difficult, and when the entrenched technology or industry feels pressure it fights back. 2) Net metering laws/incentives globally to encourage residential and small commercial PV: Slowly developing as energy independence (primarily due to the promise of storage) becomes more enticing. Odds : High – energy independence and controlling costs hits home with electricity consumers and they are willing to be vocal and vote for it. 3) Virtual net me...